Safeguarding Adult Training
The training required for each person, depends on their level of involvement with adults who may be vulnerable. To do this, the following guidance should be used as a minimum requirement:
- Priests, Staff and Volunteers who are involved with adults who may be vulnerable in activities such as Pilgrimages, Eurchistic Ministry with people who are housebound and other areas of ministry with people who may be vulnerable must attend a safeguarding information session.
- Areas of ministry such as pilgrimages may require specialised training in areas such as manual handling, safe lifting, etc. This should be discussed with the Director of Safeguarding
- People involved in leadership roles in ministry with adults who may be vulnerable may require customised training for their particular role. This may for example include risk assessment and mitigation. This should be discussed with the Director of Safeguarding
Regardless of the level of training required, all Priests, Staff and Volunteers are required to abide by good safeguarding practice.